A casual dining dim sum speciality shop serving Northern Chinese Dim Sum and Dishes including the Signature Pan-fried Pork Bun “Sheng Jian Bao” & “Rainbow Sheng Jian” etc. The signature original “Sheng Jian Bao” is a small pan-fried pork bun placed raw into an enormous griddle pan and fried on an open fire. The filling is succulent moist pork with popping juices. The buns have a crusty bottom and tender dough.
Apart from its first-in-Singapore “Rainbow Sheng Jian”, nosignboard Sheng Jian has created two delectable Sino–Singaporean dishes, Crispy Rice with Chili Crab Meat Sauce and Yangzhou Fried Rice with Chili Meat Sauce. “nosignboard Sheng Jian” Flagship outlet located at Northpoint City has opened for business in September 2021.
Every country has its own local favourite food and snacks. The Kaya Toast and Kopi in Singapore, Wanton Noodle and Milk Tea in Hong Kong, Roti Canai and Teh Tarik in India and Fish and Chips in the UK are examples.
When Sam Lim, Chairman & CEO of No Signboard Group, travelled to Shanghai, China, he noticed that the popular Xiao Long Bao is difficult to maintain quality. It was also too fragile for takeaway or delivery. Conversely, it was easier to control the quality of the equally mouth-watering juicy Sheng Jian bao for dine-in, takeaway and delivery. In fact, Sheng Jian Bao has always topped the list of favourite foods in Shanghai for the past 100 years. Nowadays, Sheng Jian Bao has many variants and flavours. People eat Sheng Jian Bao for all meals all day and for all occasions.
After months of research, planning and identifying a competent Northern Chinese Dim Sum Chef, No Signboard Group is proud to present this delicious Shanghai Sheng Jian Bao to our Singapore customers, and will be the first to showcase the unique pan fried and steamed Sheng Jian Bao in a show kitchen.
“無招牌生煎”是新加坡第一间生煎包專门店在分店明档以傳统50cm直径大型生铁鑊现包现煎生煎包。 “招牌喷浆生煎包”不让灌汤小笼包专美。需要厨师技术和经验配合,才可達到“皮薄,餡鲜,汁多,底脆”的效果。 上海菜式加入新加坡特色海鲜元素,全球首创辣椒蟹肉生煎包,辣虾米生煎包,辣椒蟹肉锅巴 及辣椒蟹肉扬州炒饭等。 早午晚均设优惠个人套餐,还有多款其他北方点心,前菜,汤类,菜式,面饭和甜品供应。 分店產品价钱合理,並免收10%服务费。配合市场需要和改变,無招牌集团锐意将其餐饮概念作更多元化拓展,以崭新餐饮概念和具创意又美味的食品,争取消闲餐饮 和速食餐饮市场,使集团能继续在多方位,不同市场,甚至海外市场发展。
Northpoint City
1 Northpoint Drive #01-137/138
South Wing of Northpoint City
Singapore 768019
For enquiries, call: 6665 9959